PMI CWCC - Virtual New Member Orientation

Make the most of your membership by learning all the ways you can get involved, promote your company, and grow. Our members have said that when they take full advantage of CWCC benefits, their businesses, and careers flourish. 


If you're a new member, a prospective member - or one in need of a refresh - join us for this free virtual orientation session! After orientation, there will be a Q&A session to clarify all your questions and help you make the most of the benefits of being part of the PMI CWCC. 


  • Learn more about how to get involved. 
  • This is a free event, but space is limited. 


PMI Member and Student Member rates will be automatically calculated based on the person's account on
If you just became a member, wait up to 3 days for the system to update your information.
For more information, visit PMI® Membership and PMI® Student Membership.


Learn more about the Refund Policy.

Register for this event


Type of category: Membership

Date: 30 October 2024

Hour: 19:00 to 20:00

Number of PDUs: 0.0


Members: Free

Future members: Free


Online - MS Teams